Did you know that the surgery receives over 400 calls every day! We always have at least 4 receptionists answering your calls, but due to the high volume your call may not be answered straight away.
How can you help?
Instead of telephoning the surgery use our website to:
- Order medication
- Request a medical certificate
- Track or request a referral
- Request test results
- Update your personal details
- Complete Travel Immunisation Forms
- Ask a Doctor/Nurse /Receptionist a question
If you do need to call the surgery, then in addition to being asked to confirm your telephone number, receptionists will also ask you for brief details of the reasons for your appointment or call back request. Tilehurst Surgery employs GPs, practice nurses, healthcare assistants, a paramedic and a pharmacist, which enables us to bring you highly skilled and appropriate care for all your health needs. By asking you for brief details the receptionist can accommodate your request in the most efficient and appropriate way. In many cases this can provide a quicker resolution for you and may negate the need to attend the surgery for an appointment.