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Patient Participation Group

What is the Patient Participation Group or PPG?

A PPG is a group of people who are patients of the surgery and want to help it work as well as it can for patients, doctors and staff. The NHS requires every practice to have a PPG.

What do Patient Participation Groups do?

PPGs are set up to develop a mutually beneficial relationship between the practice and patients by:

  • Fostering improved communication between the practice and its patient community
  • Helping the practice and local health service including the ICB to constantly improve as they respond to the health needs and priorities of the local population
  • Assisting the practice in promoting good health

Why should I join?

Your experiences matter and you can bring different ideas to the surgery to help us treat patients better, or to improve what we do in some way. You will also gain a better understanding of the NHS and gather feedback from other patients.

How often does the PPG meet?

The PPG meets at the surgery every six to eight weeks, early on a Wednesday evening for about an hour.

Will my views be heard?

Your views are important and will be listened to. It may not be possible to act on every suggestion, but all feedback is very valuable.

What is a Virtual Participation Group (VPG)?

A virtual group is a group of patients who would like to be part of the Patient Participation Groups but prefer not to attend meetings. They get involved by email instead. Information such as practice newsletters, minutes of the PPG meetings and surveys will be shared electronically.

It means that if you can’t make the face-to-face meetings, are caring for someone and unable to leave them, or are working, you can still be kept informed, give your views and participate.

PPG and VPG – What they are not

Neither group will consider personal medical issues or complaints. These are personal to you and must be dealt with by the professionals who are there to help you (doctors, nurses, practice staff). There are already procedures in place to deal with these:

  • Complaints, these should be addressed to the practice manager in the first instance
  • Medical issues, these should be discussed with the doctor or nurse who is treating you

Join our Patient Participation Group

All registered patients are able to join our Patient Participation Group. People of all genders, ages, ethnicities, and those with health conditions and disabilities are encouraged to join.

Members should as far as possible, be representative of the surgery population.

To join:

PPG meeting minutes

Page published: 9 May 2023
Last updated: 19 December 2024