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Child health

  • Tilehurst Surgery Childhood Immunisations Clinic

    It is your responsibility to book the baby’s immunisations at 8, 12 and 16 weeks.

    You will receive a letter advising you when to book immunisations for children over 12 months of age. The surgery holds an immunisation clinic every Tuesday 9:30am to midday.

  • Tilehurst Well Baby Clinics

    Drop in clinic to have your baby weighed with health visitor available for advice and support. Breastfeeding Network available for support.

    Cornwell Centre phone
    0118 984 2217

    Ranikhet Childrens Centre phone
    0118 937 5221


  • Norcot Early Years Centre

    Here at Norcot, we are committed to treating each child as an individual. We have a passion for care and education using the natural world and inspire children to learn and develop in our exciting environment.

    0118 937 5577 for the Nursery School
    0118 937 5677 for Waterside Day Care



  • Absence from School

    Is my child too ill for school?


  • Rashes in babies and children

    Many things can cause a rash in babies and children, and they’re often nothing to worry about.

    The NHS provide support for identifying some of the common rashes in babies and children.

    NHS: Rashes in babies and children

  • NHS vaccinations and when to have them

    It’s important that vaccines are given on time for the best protection. Check the dates your child needs to have their vaccinations by and contact your GP.

    NHS vaccinations and when to have them

  • Start for Life

    Trusted NHS help and advice during pregnancy, birth and parenthood.

    Start for Life

Page published: 9 May 2023
Last updated: 19 December 2024