Diabetes in West Berkshire
Find out how to manage your condition and improve the quality of your life: the regular things you need to do to avoid problems, the steps you can take to make you feel better, and the support you can get here in Reading, Wokingham and West Berkshire.
Phone the Eye Screening Service
0300 365 3937
Further information
Sick Day RulesDiabetes UK
We are Diabetes UK. Our vision is a world where diabetes can do no harm. Diabetes affects more people than any other serious health condition in the UK.
0345 123 2399
helpline@diabetes.org.ukNewly Diagnosed with Diabetes
When newly diagnosed with diabetes, most people find themselves in a state of shock. However, being diagnosed with diabetes doesn’t prevent you from leading a ‘normal’ life.
www.diabetes.co.ukLiving with Diabetes
To find out about living with Diabetes please visit the NHS website.
Page published: 22 November 2023
Last updated: 19 December 2024